Make your home office your sanctuary

Welcome to my creative corner of our home.

Antique deskscape, Feminine office decor

It is essential that I have a space that I can call my own. Be it a corner, a cubby or even a closet turned into my space. What should this space include? A pretty desk with all the necessary things. Storage for files and aesthetically pleasing office supplies. I love a good wander around a stationery store.

If space allows, a seating area. A bar cart ;) Books. Art. Pretty vintage lighting. Candles. Plants. I’ll show you in the pictures how I’ve done.

Antique settee, antique loveseat, French decor ideas
Book corner, antique lamp, tabletop bar
Bookshelves for cosy office
Book shelf display

This room is happily tucked into a corner of our basement.

Antique stationary box, antique drop leaf table, antique landscape painting

I was grateful that I could choose the best corner of the basement for my own. My corner faces south into the garden. Most of the material is recycled from homes being demolished. We added some pretty wainscoting on the walls.

home office sanctuary, antique paintings
Victorian stationary box

The furniture is bits and pieces that seem to work together and create a comfortable and cosy feel.

French journal

The walls are painted in Farrow and Ball’s Cornforth White and the trim is painted in Wevet .

The antique lights were found online.

I’m so happy with the outcome of my space but to give context, I should show you what we were working with. Here are some pictures of my corner of the basement before and during its creation.

I hope that you have a corner of your home you may claim, where you can make your own sanctuary. xoxo