my garden highlights

This time of year in the garden is one of looking back and reflecting and of looking forward and planning.

It is also time to prepare the beds for winter.

This year, that will include cutting back, and moving and dividing my perennials. It will also include planting a few more daffodil and allium bulbs.

Here is a look back, in pictures.

April 29


May 26th


Astrantia and Nepeta making a showing

May 26th


A real bonus to growing alliums is that if they are happy where they are planted they multiply!

First week of June

I love how the alliums add to the oncoming summer perennials. So much value in those bulbs. I’ll be planting more of these!


With my companion plants setting the scene, it’s time for the roses.

June 21st

Summer is here!

And just like that, summer bursts onto the scene.

June 28th

With summer comes a burst of roses that live so happily with the perennials.


More Summer days

July 25th

August and September see the garden become burnished and mellow. For me, it feels like there is a slight lull to allow me to savour the last days.

I am looking forward to putting the garden to bed and ready for winter. I will plant some daffodil and allium bulbs, move and divide some perennials and watch closely for little shoots and buds appearing in January. Happy armchair gardening. xo